Laurie's Blogs.


Oct 2018

Book Now!

 Book Now!

This week I decided to do a business & marketing blog since the Member’s Training is on business & marketing as well.  Keeping your brain working in a single category for the week!  


My question to you is how do your patients book in with you?  Is it appointment by appointment of a series of sessions at a time?  Perhaps you have super-sleuthed what I think the answer should be already simply by reading the title of this blog post!  Quite frankly, you need your clients to book for multiple appointments at a time.  And the ‘whys’ are multiple.


FIRSTLY, and I was going to put this last, but since this is about business & marketing, let’s get it out of the way.  Your clinic is more profitable if your clients come back, and come back regularly.  You can’t make money, pay staff and bills, if you don’t have returning customers.  So, from a business perspective, it’s best to get your clients locked in for the short or long term.


SECONDLY, and this is still about business, you can get people to book by creating a sense of urgency.  A reason to “Book Now” so to speak.  Do they want and need a certain time of day?  Book it now!  Will their dog feel better faster if they come in regularly?  Book it now!  Do they want to guarantee a time with their favourite therapist?  Book it now!  From a business perspective, you are presenting a reason to ‘act now’.


THIRDLY, and now we can get more altruistic, you’re not a money-mongering shyster when the reasons to book now are actually true!  If they want a certain time or day, or their favourite therapist, or to see their dog out of pain sooner… then absolutely book the times, days, person, and frequency needed NOW!  It’s lovely when business and ‘what’s best for the patient’ actually mesh together!


FOURTHLY, if you can lock a patient/client into a series of treatments, then there is a better chance that the patient will return, and subsequently get better faster.  And my friends, THAT is good for business, for reputation, for word-of-mouth, and happiness all around.  In today’s healthcare market, there are often other options, practitioners, or ‘Nay-Sayers’ out there trying to influence your client.  So, if you can lock in your client, and do the great work you know you can do, then you’ll get the results that everyone wants to see!


So, what do you do?  Train your front desk staff to encourage a series of appointments… not just their next one.  I.e.  “Do you want to book into the following week or weeks as well so that you can get the time and day you need?”  Additionally, make it a routine for your front desk to check and see if at all, or how many upcoming appointments the patient has scheduled.  In MY case, I really do book up months in advance, so my front desk staff is very adept at checking for follow-up appointments with every client visit.  I.e. “I see you only have one more appointment scheduled with Laurie.  You might want to book some into the future so you can ensure you can get in!”  Not only is this truthful, but it’s also a great incentive to book!  


This doesn’t have to be JUST a front-desk task.  Each of the therapists or assistants can discuss this with a client.  It’s not shady or slimy… it’s the truth.  If you want the day, time, therapist, or assistant of your choice and/or want to see results a bit faster, then book a series of appointments now.  


Good business.  Good marketing.  Good practice.  Good outcomes.  Win-Win-Win-Win!


Wishing you lots of appointments this week!

Cheers!   Laurie

